Thursday, October 16, 2008

How is reality treated in aforementioned films?

i thought it would easiest to compare the Chronicles of Narmia with the Wizard of Oz. these two movies differ in their worldview. in class yeaterday we disscussed the possiblity if the wizard of oz was a postmodern or a cosmic humanist worldview. and i think we concluded that either wasy it contains some characteristics of each. i believe this is different from the Narnias worldview. Narnias worldview is christian. there are a ton of symbols representing this worldview. for example, the Lion is christ. and i think we are able to come to this conclusion because we know the worldview of C.S. Lewis who was a christian.
although they are different in that sense, they are also very similar. they both take place in a fantasy. they almost create these places with their minds. and ultimately they have the power to retuen home if they wish. for Dorothy it is through the red shoes and for the children it is through the closet door.

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